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Husband Catches Wife In Adultery Using FakeFacebook Name

This is a controversial issue because it is not
easy for many to resist temptation. The wife
was tempted and she could not resist it. But
the husband is saying he can't marry her again,
calling her prostitute and all sorts of names
and has decided to divorce her. The wife is
begging for forgiveness. Below is their story:

A married couple work in different cities;
the husband works in Abuja while the wife
work in Lagos. He goes home every weekend
to spend time with her. They both have
facebook accounts.

One day while bored at work the husband
playfully creates a facebook account with a
fake pix, he sends his wife a request and
she was attracted by the handsome young
man, hence she accepts his request.

They chat regularly over one month, she finds
him exciting and was always looking forward to
chatting with him. She began to hate weekends
because he online lover was never available to
chat with her, not knowing that the "online
lover" is her husband who is by her side at

They chatted about everything, recently their
chats became very s*xually explicit, and she
got turned on by the things he asked her to do.

Then, one day he asks her to send him a photo
of her private part.

Surprisingly, the married woman excitedly
send the private photos without hesitation.

Her angry husband then asks her to take photo
of her body parts and she did.

As soon as he got all the photos in his inbox,
the husband reveals his true identity.

The wife is ashamed of herself and begging
for forgiveness. The husband said he believes
that is how his wife go about sharing her body
with men on facebook.
He said he can't marry
such a cheap woman again.

- What is the way out here? Should the
husband forgive her or not?

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