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BUSTED: Pastor Patronizes Prostitute and HeDidn't Know She Attends His Church

Sometimes what you do in secret have a way of
bringing you out for ridicule. This is the lesson
a man who calls himself Pastor learnt when he
decided to throw caution to the wind and
succumbed to his lust.

The 56yrs old Pastor, who was said to have
been seriously embarrassed sometime ago by a
man who caught him with his wife, has refused
to change his ways. He picked a runs girl
around midnight for a good time and took her
to a joint where she satisfied him.

However, at the end of the show, the lady
decided to reveal her identity to the pastor:

She said he picked her up on Friday night along
Club Road in the Nakuru area of Kenya. " For
s*x. I mean that’s why he picked me. That’s
what I do, I’m a prostitute ,"
she confirmed.

She said after the pastor enjoyed himself, she
confronted him and revealed to him that she is
a members of his church in city.

According to
her, he was shaken and pleaded with her not to
expose him to any other member of the church.

He gave her Sh20,000 instead of the usual
Sh500 she collects for short time.

Somehow the story got out as the lady later
told one of her friend who leaked the "secret".
The matter is said to be causing serious
disquiet in the church, as many are wondering
if the man is really a pastor.

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