but will also be empowered to
run on PC. Before I take you on this journey, it will be pertinent
to observe a moment of silence
for all those who purchase
blackberry phone just to use of
No long stories, I’ll just dive straight to the point without
bugging you with much
Requirements==> 1.Android SDK,
you can download and extract
Android SDK bundle from this link .
==>BBM APK, you can download
and extract BBM Apk from this
link .
How Can I Set Up BBM For PC
1.Go to the extracted adt-
bundle folder. Open SDK Manager.exe
2.In the opened window select
Tools -> Manange AVDs…
Create a new Android Virtual
Device with RAM greater than
512 MB and then start the created Virtual Device.
1.Copy the downloaded BBM.apk
file to the Extracted Folder /sdk/
such that the file should be /sdk/
2.Now move to the folder /sdk/ platform-tools/ using file
3.Select File->Open Command
Prompt within the platform-tools