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VIDEO - How to Unroot Any Rooted Android Device! [1-Click Universal Method]

For those of you wondering how to “unroot” any rooted Android smartphone or tablet, did you know that you can do that easily with 1-click using the SuperSU app?
This will remove root completely from any rooted Android smartphone or tablet.
Now, if you have custom recovery installed, it will not remove that (you will have to re-install stock recovery or re-install stock firmware), but this will remove root completely for devices that only have root installed.  (E.g. if you have a rooted Droid Razr or One X and rooted without installing custom recovery, this method will completely unroot your device and return it to stock.)
Step 1. If you have SuperSU app already (many root methods use SuperSU), you can skip this step.  If you have SuperUser app installed, download and install SuperSU app (free)  from Play Store.
Step 2.  Run the SuperSU app, go to Settings, and choose “Full unroot”.  That’s it!
You can reboot your phone and should find your Android device completely unrooted.  If you still see SuperSU or Superuser app in your drawer, simply uninstall using Play Store.
Going Further
Unrooting basically involves removing SuperUser.apk file and su binaries.
The Files you need to remove:
Removing these three files removes root from your Android device.

Here’s a video tutorial on how to unroot any rooted Android smartphone or tablet using How to Unroot Any Rooted Android Device! [1-Click Universal Method]

click here to watch


  1. hey col wats d disadvantage of rootin ma droid

  2. Many people hear smartphone geeks throwing around terminology that they seem to think everyone understands, and yet most people are left totally baffled. This is something of which I, myself, am guilty--on a daily basis, even! The biggest term that you may have heard being thrown around on cell phone blogs, or news sites, or forums, is "Rooting." What does that mean, and why would you ever want to do something to your phone that sounds like the horrible torture your mother used to inflict on unsuspecting weeds in the garden? That's what we're going to discuss.

    At its most basic, "rooting" is the term widely used among computer and cell phone technicians alike to refer to the process by which one gains access to the administrative commands and functions of an operating system.

    If you're thinking, "Hey that's no help, I'm still confused," that's normal. Even a simple definition of rooting seems complex at first. What it means when you root an Android phone, is that you give yourself, rather than Sprint/Verizon/T-Mobile/AT&T's software, the permission to act like the administrator of the phone. There are a ton of reasons why people want to do this--the biggest being either to install an updated version of the operating system, or to save battery life. The two more often than not go hand-in-hand.

    There are other benefits of rooting, as well. When you gain access to administrative phone functions, it is simpler to freeze system processes that drain battery life. "V-Cast Music?" Verizon users probably have "Google Music" downloaded, or find the stock music player works just as well. "Sprint NFL Zone?" Thanks, Sprint, but I'm a 24-year-old female. I appreciate the thoughtfulness of this app, but I don't need it sucking up my battery life. Among the smartphone geek crowd, applications like these are referred to as "bloatware:" they do nothing but bloat the software by existing as unnecessary applications.

    Having a rooted Android phone is also beneficial because there are several Android applications which are extremely useful and also require root menu access. "Titanium Backup" is my personal favorite of these. It allows you to back up all your applications with their data on a regular basis, so that if you do install a new version of the operating system, or if you have to factory reset your phone, you don't have to go back and start Angry Birds all over again from Level 1. (And trust me, I've been there. I've felt that pain.) Other applications allow you to uninstall bloatware entirely, and so on, and so forth, from basic functions to extremely technical on a level that even I fail to entirely understand.

    But like Uncle Ben Parker said in Spider-Man: "With great power, comes great responsibility." Benefits of rooting an android phone to gain access to the functions and menus normally inaccessible to the typical cell phone user are many, but rooting is not a process that should be taken on halfheartedly. These benefits come at a cost-- almost all manufacturers' warranties become void once you root your phone. So, either be prepared to accept that, or learn how to "un-root" in case of an emergency.

    Do plenty of research--there are a ton of sites with how-to videos and device-specific instructions, because no two phones are rooted the same way. Ask plenty of questions--never assume you know what you're doing, because it's the best way to end up with a phone that's as useful as a paperweight.

    Those are the benefits of rooting, from a Geek-Femme who understands what you're going through.


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