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Etisalat Free Fast Browsing On PC

[Tech] Etisalat Free Fast Browsing On PC

I’ll be very short and brief about this tutorial. I saw it in one of the forums around and I feel it will be appropriate to share it with some Mbless PC users. All credit still goes to the tweak Mod and every detail that you need to make it work on your PC is right within the folder parameters.
This is a tutorial that works endlessly with Etisalat N0.0. Mind you, it is only for PC users and not for mobile users.
What You Need
==>Etisalat Sim with 0.0 naira
==>Your modem
==>and the attached software called YKTSAGERO Here
Why You Should Use This Tweak
I personally don’t believe in in keep ing tweaks to myself. No matter how you keep it, it will eventually be blocked one day that is why I’l always share every tweak available here.
==>It is free of charge
==>No upgrade needed
==>It is faster than the normal Etisalat browsing speed
==>You can configure your IDM with it for unlimited download
How Can I Get It?
==>Just download the attached rar file on your PC Here
==>Extract it to your desktop and open the read me please file for the step by step setup.
Remember i am not the creator of this software and all credit goes to YKTSAGERO
As at this morning, it was blazing fast and fine. So what are you waiting for?

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