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PHOTOS: 8 Amazing Things You Need To Know About Bosoms

Check out this list of eight facts about br**sts — some amazing, others simply interesting, but all of which can give us a better understanding of these twin peaks.
Anything fascinating about br**sts we overlooked? Let us know in the comments section below.
1. We’re the only primates with “permanent” ones.
No other primate has a permanent chest. In non-human primates (and other mammal species) a full chest is a clear indication the female is suckling young. Not so in humans.
2. The largest natural br**sts are a 102ZZZ.

The Guinness World Record holder for the largest natural br**sts is Annie Hawkins-Turner. Her chest measures 70 inches over the bosoms and around her back. That amounts to 3.5 feet of cleavage (with each side weighing in at 56 pounds), and a bra size of 102ZZZ.
3. chest orgasms exist.
Women climax through bosom stimulation is an actual thing, and there’s science to back it. In one study of 213 women, 29 percent said they had experienced a “chest climax” at one point or another.

4.They make the perfect food.
When describing the benefits of chest milk and colostrum (the sticky, yellowish substance produced at the end of pregnancy and the first days of a baby’s life) the World Health Organization doesn’t mince words, calling it the “perfect food” for babies. chest milk contains antibodies that help babies fight infections and diseases and is easy for them to digest. Its made by cells in the chest called “alveoli,” which produce milk in response to the hormone prolactin. It’s released when babies suckle.
5. When it comes to milk, size doesn’t matter.
For breastfeeding purposes, it simply doesn’t matter whether a woman is an A cup or a D. Larger br**sts have a higher proportion of fatty tissue, compared to glandular tissue, but this has no effect on the amount of milk you’re able to produce.
Though women with smaller br**sts sometimes worry they’ll be unable to nurse their babies, it’s actually women with larger br**sts who sometimes have greater difficulties, because of positioning issues, she says.
6. They fluctuate month-to-month (and even minute-to-minute).
Unhappy with your chest size? Give it a minute. That may be overstating things, but not by much. Many women experience chest growth — as much as a full cup size — during PMS, because the body has higher levels of the hormones progesterone and prolactin during that premenstrual phase, which can cause swelling. chest growth is also one of the hallmarks of pregnancy, and some s*x experts, claim that br**sts can swell by up to 25 percent during moments of intense s*xual arousal.
7.The left tends to be larger.
It’s perfectly normal for women to have one chest that’s larger than the other. And for around 65 percent of women, it’s the left one. No one knows why the left side tends to be bigger, although theories abound: One suggests that immune hypersensitivity, which is higher on the left side of the body, has an impact on hormones that help determine chest size and shape; another that women tend to prefer to nurse on their left side (leaving their right hand free) which results in that side producing more milk.
8. There are four bosom types.
If you thought there was only one type of bosom, you thought wrong. There are several common variations: “Normal” bosoms stick out a few millimeters from the areola, and then even further when they’re aroused or cold; “flat” bosoms only protrude when they’re stimulated or when temperatures change; “puffy” bosoms have a raised areola; and “inverted” bosoms (which come in grades) are essentially turned inward. The latter type isn’t necessarily problematic as long as it’s always been that way, but if the bosom has only recently turned inward it should be checked by a doctor.
Source: Huffington Post

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