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ASUU vow to continue strike

The president of the Academic
Staff Union of Universities (ASUU),
Professor Nasir Faggae has
vowed that the union would not
succumb to any pressure to call
off its six weeks old strike if all its
demands are not met by the
Mr. Fagge told journalists in Abuja
that although negotiations have
continued, there’s nothing yet on
the table. He said the union
remains resolute in sustaining the
ongoing strike action to ensure
that the topical issues affecting the
nation’s university system are
tackled decisively once and for all.
However, the chairman of the
Needs Assessment Committee of
the Nigerian Universities, Governor
Gabriel Suswam of Benue state
says the public holidays have
stalled the smooth progress made
so far, but if all goes according to
plan, the strike may be called off
next week and also assured
Nigerians that the industrial
dispute will be resolved.

The President of ASUU, Professor
Nasir Faggae was not under
pressure to call off the strike,as he
insisted that the union is resolute
in sustaining the ongoing strike
action if the issues in contention
are not met, inspite of appeals by
the Minister of Education, Prof.
Ruqqayat Rufai who tried to avoid
the media at the presidential villa.
She however called on ASUU to
sheathe their sword while
negotiations are in progress.

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